The Best Guru

Some of the most helpful insights and guidance I’ve received in my life has come from teachers, mentors, and my elders. I often lean on their wisdom and experience to help me make decisions and direct myself though the turbulent waters of life. A personal guru can serve the role of mentor and facilitator, but will often also be given the role of parent figure as well. I’ve met many people who place their guru’s opinions above all others, and especially their own. It’s my opinion that when people place someone, or something, else’s as the highest authority in their life than they’ve essentially capped their growth potential. The reality is that you, and you alone, are the highest authority of your life. You are, and always will be, the best guru for yourself. But it can take some serious care and attention to develop your self-confidence and insight to the point where you access the full power of this truth. 

First off, we all need guidance or assistance sometimes. Life is notoriously tricksy, but no one has more responsibility for your life than you do. No one knows more about what your needs and strengths are than you do. Shit will hit the fan, whether you’re on the Hero path or not, and I think it’s essential to know when to ask for guidance or for some extra pairs of hands to help deal with the mess. Many of us may feel that asking for help is the same as dependency or a sign of weakness and incompetence. Others, including myself, may be too reliant on the help or assistance provided by external entities. In my experience, asking for help and dependency

are actually on opposite ends of the spectrum. Knowing when to ask for help is a token of competency and self-reliance. However, dependency is the byproduct of either mediocrity or laziness, and only very rarely due to incompetence or powerlessness. You alone can be the judge on what end of the spectrum you have a tendency for. Dependency stunts your growth, but no one can get to a successful life without a little help from somewhere at some point.

For the sake of argument, let’s say there is no clear-cut line between right and wrong, or poison and medicine. It will always come down to the circumstances and quantities involved. Once again, only the individual will be able to grasp the exact nature of their choices and experiences. There are negative and positive aspects to everything in existence. Everything has an opposite, and these opposites exist within each individual and between every mindset. I’d argue that most of us have a tendency to side with either the negative or positive aspects of reality as we individually understand them, but regardless of the side we pick it’s only half of the whole. Maybe a complete experience involves both sides of the spectrum. I would never encourage anyone to do anything that they feltl to be wrong, but not having a fixed mindset on what is right or wrong is essential for non-dualistic thinking.

Before explaining more about fixed states of mind, I will share some of the examples, or Guru’s who have had an influence on me throughout my life. I have four primary Heroes who have essentially provide the example of what I want to be like, and who’s attributes I aim to emulate in my own way. They are in no way the end all examples for me though. I aim to be the ultimate greatest example for myself. I think that is the essence of self-mastery.

#1 – Jesus –

Not just a fun word to say when surprised. He is a perfect example of what unbridled Love can do. He demonstrates the power of compassion. Does his own thing, spreads healing, inspires others, and usually has an all around can do attitude. In theory, his betrayal and death was voluntary and preformed so that no other “Hero” need suffer the same fate.  

#2 – SpongeBob – 

He is a martial art master. Freely expresses Love and joy. Triumphantly engaged in his personal legend as fry cook. Loves playing make believe and serving others. A clear positive for just about everyone he interacts with, especially those who see his value. Great friend and companion. Honest and sincere in everything he does. Also, he heeds the wisdom of the “Magic Conch” which puts him in a whole other category becuase it proves he follows the spirit.

#3 – Tom Bombadil – 

“[He] is the Master. No one has ever caught old Tom walking in the forest, wading in the water, leaping on the hill-tops under light and shadow. He has no fear. Tom Bombadil is Master.” True words spoken by his bride, the Lady Goldberry (the rivers daughter), and greatest joy. Since fear has no hold on him he is considered perfect, or whole, which makes him Master of his environment. Because he is master no thing is master over him, not even the “one ring” (the embodiment of all ego). He’s chiefly interested in serving others, singing nonsense, and spending his time rapturously engaged with his goddess wife.

#4 – Saitama – 

100%, USDA approved, grade A++ premium BADASS. He is “One Punch Man.” There is no opponent in the universe that can withstand more than one serious punch from this guy. In his beginning, he screws up a job interview and is trying to figure out what to do next when he hears the calling to be a Hero, and he answers. His actions inadvertently inspire the dawn of the Hero’s Guild. His immeasurable power stems from his utter certainty in his calling as Hero. He is friends with just about anyone, and he is always fair to those who are in contest against him. He’s disinterested in fame or fortune, and he is widely overlooked by most of his peers and colleagues. He is quiet, good natured, respectful, helpful, and without doubt the strongest man in the universe.

The ultimate goal having people you look up to, or regard as guru, is to acquire the attributes of those Heroes. You will always have to become a Hero on your own, and in your own way, but will be your greatest joy figuring out how manifest your fulfillment. It will require a leap of faith, but once you’ve reached the other side of it you’ll discover it really wasn’t all that hard. The most important thing is to move beyond fear of failure. Should you fail, which you can, get up and try again. The only way you could ever truly fail is by no longer striving towards your fulfillment. Keep in mind that rest periods are an essential part of the process though, and please be mindful of opportunities for lateral movement that become available to you. Sometimes they are the only way forward. Your path may not first lead you where you want to go, but it will certainly take you to the ultimate greatest destination. It will be helpful to seek the wisdom of experience of our elders, and the same goes for asking for help when you need it. Regardless of the aid received, you still have to walk your path with your own two feet, but you will never walk it alone. Every other Hero that has ever existed anywhere, or at any time, is walking with you. Interestingly, they are actually strengthened by your efforts just as all of their collective strengths are there to support you. Ask them for help and they will aid you. Just as so many others have aided them in their walk. We are all in this together because we are all unified in our common goal of achieving excellence and fulfillment.

A very important concept that has really been helpful to me is that of self-initiation. Being captains of our fate means we are the highest authority in our lives, and we have the utmost responsibility to make our own choices. Answering that someone else told me to do it, doesn’t cut it as an acceptable response for the question of why we made whatever choices we have. “When you stand before God, you cannot say, But I was told by others to do thus, or that virtue was not convenient at the time. This will not suffice.” (Quote from the movie Kingdom of Heaven). There can only ever be one Master in your life. You, guided by spirit, are the greatest authority and will guide and protect you to your ultimate goal. Any other master will ultimately lead you to humiliation, enslavement, or utter obliteration. The ego, the little voice in your head that says you are wanting and powerless, is the architect of pain, sorrow, self-delusion, and fear. The funny thing is it doesn’t actually exist. A shadow has no substance, and it cannot hold any direct influence over objects of substance in any way. A flower deprived of sunlight will not die from the presence of shadow, but from the absence of the Sun. The only meaning shadow has comes from the forms with which it tries to manipulate, and most importantly a shadow doesn’t exist without light. Light, or Love is the ultimate source of power and substance in the universe. Despite whatever the shadow would suggest or delusions it may produce, for they are all lies, it only takes a small flickering light to keep you safe from any shadow of any size, shape, or complexity. What is not real cannot harm you. Just as what is real will feed, warm, protect, and free you. If you can understand and perceive this incredible power, even a little light has, consider what power a lit beacon has in it. A flickering flame has plenty of doubts and fears, but it also has faith. Faith in itself and at least some understanding of what Love is, so let go of the shadow and let your Light grow.

To gain access to the real source of power in your life, and greatest potential, you have to develop that little light into a beacon. There are an infinite number of ways to do this, but I’ve found it easiest to use expressions of joy, gratitude, forgiveness, and unconditional Love. There is a fairly simple formula for dealing with the many yin-yang aspects of life. Yin aspects are governed by Acceptance, and can be crudely mashed into four major categories sorrow, trauma, error, and resistance. When the negative experiences such as these are met with their yin acceptance counterparts service, play, forgiveness, correction, and growth the discomfort is lessened or even completely removed. Life can be painful but the only way to the deal with it, if you’re unable to remove yourself from the environment, is to accept the pain and not be attached to it. Yang aspects of life are about giving and gaining and is governed by Love. And I’ve mashed them into four primary categories of joy, peace, grace, and certainty. The clearest path to these attributes of Love are through vulnerability, compassion, gratitude, and faith. Learning how to set an intention for dealing with a given yin or yang aspect also makes it easier to deal with its yin or yang counterpart. For example, forgiveness can lead to peace, Just as compassion can lead to forgiveness. vulnerability can treat your sorrow, and faith might be the answer for whatever resistance you’ve been met with in your life. I have found that the easiest way from me keep my beacon lit has been the through acting like a flower. Unconditionally joyful and abundantly grateful. Being grateful for all experiences, while forgiving any harm, is the essence of unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is the ultimate power and authority in this world and in throughout the whole universe beyond.

Once again, if your beacons are lit then you’ve become the Master of your reality. This is because reality has only one purpose, which is to serve the source of its creation. When you have unmitigated access to source power your light is no longer hindered by fear and doubt. Reality will go to any length to preserve you, and you essentially become living scripture. All doctrine scriptures or ideals are only ever a signpost meant to direct you to the ultimate source of power and fulfillment. So, when you become a vehicle or vessel of that primary source of power you become the signpost. However, since you exist in the field of time and space, you’re actually a dynamic force of those scriptures. Scriptures don’t usually change so they are static in nature, but you do and you do it all the time. Rather than a fixed signpost you are essentially a very accurate and interactive GPS receiver with the added bonus of having developer privileges the little game of physical reality we’re all playing together. I once said, “The Bible aint got shit on me, bro.” Despite sounding blasphemous and arrogant, what I meant is that I have become a living version of those scriptures, which is pretty badass considering what the scriptures represent.

Robert Pirsig argued that Quality, the source of all things, can be divided into two primary aspects: static quality and dynamic quality. All order and structure comes from static quality, and is essentially the preserver of all things gained. All growth and progress stems from dynamic aspects of quality. Static without dynamic would never evolve or change. Dynamic without static would be unstable and could never be sustainable. The scriptures, or any virtuous ideals, are a great example of static quality; they are an incredible wealth of wisdom and insight, and most have been preserved for thousands of years. A Saint is an excellent example of dynamic quality. The Saint, using the scriptures as a framework or foundation, is essentially the same thing as that framwork. Being a living manifestation, or application, of those scriptures. In a way the scriptures are like an infinite number of mustard seeds ready to be planted. The Saint is a fully grown mustard tree, which also produces seeds along with its fruits, oxygen, shade, and wood. The scriptures are the storage vessels of greatness, and the Saint is the application of that greatness.

The primary issue for most individuals, myself including, come from disharmony. When dynamic aspects go unbridled, it can cause instability and regression. When static aspects go unbridled, it can cause stagnation and decay. You cannot have harmony when you side with what you think is right and reject what you think is wrong. If dynamic quality is repressed for long enough it will erupt out and truly biblical ways. If static quality is removed then were back in the Stone Age faster than anyone might have expected. The Star of David (Hebrew), like the Taijitu (Chinese) symbol or Sacred Hoop (Native American), is a symbol of harmony between the two primary aspects of reality. Stability with growth. Progress with the support of tradition. Imagine a box split along its center. One side is white and the other black, and you’ve put the weight of your perspective on the side you align with. When one is fixed with a mindset of dualistic thinking, that has essentially become a box of this or that. The box might be able to slide along if conditions allow for it, but it can’t move along well without getting picked up and placed. Now imagine a sphere with the weight of your perspective at it’s centre. The white and black or mixed within the sphere allowing the right or wrong to shift around and collect in the areas where they can best serve its center. This object not only moves with ease, but it is also much more durable. If you’re not moving forward, then you’re naturally regressing because of all the influences that manifest in around you. As a box, you can shift around but if you push too hard the contents might spill out, or the container might break. As a sphere, it’s a hell of a lot easier to get around, and it’s a much safer and much more comfortable ride.

Overcoming fear is the first and most important step for building you beacon. All those folks concerned with developing their shadow, seek to lengthen and darken it so they can consume lesser shadows and contend with bigger ones. Unfortunately for them, there is always a bigger shadow out there. Some shadows are old enough to have seen the coming and going of many physical universes. A shadow worshiper can spend a thousand lifetimes, sacrifice all life that has ever existed in physical reality, and still be little more than breakfast for some of these lessor great shadows. So, what’s bigger than anything? In short, everything. Everything is always going to be bigger than any one thing. If you want the power of everything at your disposal, to protect and nurture you, then you must develop your access to Light. Remember, even a tiny flickering flame is enough to keep you safe and warm from any shadow. Lastly, concerning fear, survival is a mindset not a goal. No one survives life, it’s kind of the point of existing in physical reality. With one birth comes one death. It’s a natural step, so don’t be concerned with it. Some people die in the womb, others live to be 120 but, what is finite will end and all anyone really has is the present moment. A much more important goal, than merely surviving, is to Live! To live a full life, thriving in your own way, and along your Hero path. It doesn’t matter how many years you have left, or whatever you’ve done in the past, or whatever resistance you think you have working against you. It’s all only a brief moment. A single experience for the infinite being you are. What comes after is so much more interesting anyway, and the Light you earn here magnifies exponentially in the realms beyond. You have every reason to let go of fear now, and to become the Hero of your life. The embodiment of your greatest potential.

“A Golden Compass”

Forget every idea of right and wrong Any classroom ever taught you Because An empty heart, a tormented mind, Unkindness, jealousy and fear Are always the testimony You have been completely fooled! Turn your back on those Who would prison your wondrous spirit With deceit and lies. Come, join the honest company Of the King’s beggers– Those gamblers, scoundrels and divine clowns And those astonishing fair courtesansWho need Divine Love every night. Come, join the courageous Who have no choice But to bet their entire world That indeed, Indeed God is Real. I will lead you into the Circle Of the Beloved’s cunning thieves, Those playful royal rogues– The ones you can trust for true guidance– Who can aid you In this Blessed Calamity of life. Hafiz [dear reader], Look at the Perfect One At the Circle Centre: He Spins and Whirls like a Golden Compass, Beyond all that is Rational, To show this dear world That Everything, Everything in Existence Does point to God.

– Hafiz (as rendered by Daniel Ladinsky)