Kinda Sci Fi, Kinda Hippie

Disclaimer: I’m not a hard science kind of guy, but this is my take on reality. This theory is an ugly blending of mysticism and metaphysics. Hard science folks may be inclined to call BS on this theory–so might the mystic types. It gets a little weird, so buckle up. I’m basically arguing that Love is the fundamental substance of reality, and though expressions of it one can manipulate reality. Also, a quick Google of “Many Worlds Theory” might be helpful in understanding this rant.

Time is always flowing in one direction. It can’t be stopped or wound back, but depending on the mass, or gravity produced by mass, the flow of time speeds up or slows down. In the realm of eternity, or timelessness, all things that can occur will occur because the probability that an event will occur is usually based on a given time frame: for example, a person with abilities of a certain magnitude might be one in ten to the 100th power, which is kind of like saying that there is one chance in many billions of lifetimes of the universe that an individual will have certain abilities. Realistically, this means that it’s not going to happen because the chance is so rare that it’s negligible, or considered a statistical improbability. However, in eternity, since the probability that an occurrence is not zero, then it has already happened, or is happening somewhere or at sometime. 

The universe as we see it is not a single event. There are an infinite number of universes that exist in parallel to this one and ours seems to be on a very interesting and extreme side of a spectrum. On the other side of the spectrum the matter that constitutes reality would actually be considered anti-matter. I don’t know how to explain it, but the fundamental laws of practical physics are very different there. So let’s say there are a significant number of timelines where you exist, in at least one of those timelines you’re something like a hobo, or in another you end up dying in your youth, or you’re a world leader. There are practically an infinite number of variations between them.

In theory, who you are in cognitive reality–the fourth dimension–is essentially the sum total of all your selves in the various physical reality–third dimensional–timelines. The greatest–highest quality–of your third dimensional selves will be the core, or principle identity, of your fourth dimensional self, but all versions of the third dimensional you will be of the fourth dimensional you. So in theory, if one were so inclined to put forth the tremendous effort required for increasing the quality of one’s consciousness, one could visit or even jump to other timelines. Everything in reality exists within the mind, especially the body, so where the mind goes so will your reality. 

I’d argue that every person has a greatest or most successful version of themselves that exists within a certain timeline. Keep in mind that what’s great for one is a compromise, or a prison, for someone else, so for some the greatest and most fulfilling life comes as being a gas station attendant, or a king, or maybe a prostitute. There’s no cap on variety, or depth, for what greatness could be for someone, but it will be the most rewarding and most wonderful life that the individual could ever obtain. The cool thing is that through a single person obtaining their greatest self, Hero path, or personal legend, at least one other person somewhere will be facilitated in obtaining theirs and it becomes just a little bit easier for everyone else to do the same.

According to the Parado principle, the more Heroes that manifest in a given environment the more there can be as a whole. In a way, the Heroes are already there, they just don’t know that they’re Heroes yet. I argue that by following the Hero path, or pursuing your personal legend, you subconsciously place yourself in the timeline where you experience your life as your greatest self. The way my silly, little brain works, I’ve had the privilege of visiting other timelines that include a version of me consciously and I usually notice when I shift into a new one permanently. Most often the timelines are so similar that very few ever notice that they’ve shifted into a different one and most of them will write it off as only being in their head, and in a way that’s all reality really is. It’s just in your head. I’ve met a few people who have knowingly shifted timelines, and one of them was deeply disturbed by it. I think it’s important to take responsibility for your reality. Very few accept the truth that they, and they alone, are the captains of their fate. We are piloting the ship of our reality. 

In the fourth dimension a person’s substance, or mass, dictates how much control and influence they have over their reality, or ship. The more massive the individual is in their fourth dimension the more power one has over space and time in their third dimension. There’s a number of ways a person can lose substance, and some do it by trading it for shadow, which provides one with the delusion of power, like trading real money for monopoly money; it’s only useful for a specific game and you can’t use it for what you need to on the day to day, like paying bills and buying groceries. Most however, will usually lose substance by harming or taking from others. To prevent or hinder someone else from achieving their personal legend is the only way to guarantee that an individual will never achieve their own. This is especially true and most devastating when the offense is against a child. Keep in mind, there can always be a course correction to avoid the harshest of consequences, but it needs to take place before the ship runs ashore or it won’t help much.

Shadows do have effects, but they will always be secondary and shadows will always be slaves to the objects of substance they are bound to. As well as to the light, which offers it the only meaningful distinction of its existence. Keep in mind, light displaces darkness not because it is a greater force but because they are not in conflict with each other. Where substance is there cannot be empty space, but both require the other in order to have any meaning. There is only one way to gain in substance and that is to access higher thresholds of quality through the development of ones consciousness. There are many ways to dabble in this, but there is only one way develop quick and powerful enough to manipulate your reality. Understand and serve Love. The threshold of quality beyond cognitive reality is spiritual reality, which can only be accessed though Love because that is all that can be there. All reality, the cognitive and physical, stems from spirit since lower forms of quality exist within higher forms, like Matryoshka dolls and spirit is Love.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be accumulated, given, or dispersed. You gain in substance, accumulate energy, whenever you give energy of a spiritual quality to something or someone (in a different post I mention the easiest ways to express spirit level quality). I’m not certain why this is, but it has to do with all consciousness stemming from the same source so by serving another you’re really serving the All, and by serving the All you’re really only serving yourself. The same principle is applied for harming others, which is the quickest and most effective way to dispurse the substance of your being. In essence, the more Love you give, the more you will get; the more you get, the bigger you grow; the bigger you grow, the more powerful you become; the more power earned, the more influence over lesser forms of quality–such as cognitive and physical reality–you will have. 

To me this means  that Love is the only source of power and it is the literal foundation of reality, considering how it has direct influence over it. The cliche that God is Love, and God is All, means all that is something, in one way or another, is really Love. Time and space are the constructs used to place a meaningful scale on our shared experience of divinity. If substance in physical reality is constructed by Love, then one can manipulate it directly through expressions of Love. In theory, this is how Heroes such as Jesus, Buddha, and Muhammad were able to perform miracles and aquire such meaningful insights. If you want to manipulate the fabric of reality then you need to acquire the authority to do so, and the authority comes from your ability to express Love; unbridled and unconditional Love.


This is he, who, felled by foes,
Sprung harmless up, refreshed by blows:
He to captivity was sold,
But him no prison-bars would hold:
Though they sealed him in a rock,
Mountain chains he can unlock:
Thrown to lions for their meat,
The crouching lion kissed his feet:
Bound to the stake, no flames appalled,
But arched o’er him an honoring vault.

This is he men miscall Fate,
Threading dark ways, arriving late,
But ever coming in time to crown
The truth, and hurl wrong-doers down.
He is the the oldest, and best known,
More near than aught thou call’st thy own,
Yet, greeted in another’s eyes,
Disconcerts with glad surprise.
This is Jove, who, deaf to prayers,
Floods with blessings unawares.
Draw, if thou canst, the mystic line
Severing rightly his from thine,
Which is human, which divine.

— Emerson